
TTL Lab – Teton Tech Labs Lab

The Teton Technology Labs Lab is the first iteration in our effort to grow the local technology seen in the greater Teton Region. If we get a black dog for our first Lab, it’d be called the Teton Tech Labs Lab’s Lab.

The future is already here, it’s just not evenly distributed

By 2020 the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that 40% of the U.S. Workforce will be Independent Workers.

According to the Teton Regional Economic Coalition, our local economy is based on three things: Tourism, Farming, and Construction.

We believe that all knowledge work will be remote work.


  • Connect local technology, knowledge workers, entrepreneurs.
  • Grow the number of technology workers in the greater Teton Region.
  • Facilitate compelling meetups, events, talks, and conferences.


  • Technology will play a major role in our thriving local economy, in non-Tourism, non-Farming, and non-Construction applications.
  • The local economy’s main source of growth will be in technology and “knowledge-work”.
  • Technology Startups – lots of them, based out of Teton County — both Wyoming and Idaho.