Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the TTL Lab?

The TTL Lab or Teton Tech Labs Lab is currently organized as a passion project by members of the Teton Tech Meetup Group. The Meetup Group has been operating in the area for several years. As technologists further organize ourselves, we strive to provide the area with the best technology-focused events, curriculum, and network, in order to help all locals achieve their technology-related goals.

2. Where are you located?

We have no formal office and we have no formal organization. We are a loosely coupled network of technology professionals that live, work and play locally here in the Greater Teton Region. Many of us work from home or operate out of either Work Farm Victor or Spark JH

3. Is there a cost to join?

Membership is free, at no cost, with no financial commitment and no warranty. We hold regular meet-ups twice monthly, typically every other Wednesday night. Stay tuned for more updates as we compose our 2019 calendar.

4. How do I get involved?

The best way to start is to come to a Meetup!


If you would like to learn more about please contact us→