Cutting Through the Non-Profit Noise

In our area, there are a lot of transplants. Unless you’re Native American, all of us would qualify. Our geography provides so many leisure opportunities that it attracts the uber-wealthy. These folks like to fund non-profits that will give them tax-advantaged donations.

Some of these nonprofits are more interested in providing a social networking club for the rich and creating artificial buzz rather than starting at the grassroots. What do the people who live here actually want? What do they need? It’s easy to say that “We align with community vision” but when did the community have time to give input to that vision? Was the community involved in the input the community of super wealthy people who spend part of their time here every year?

What if we grew from the ground up by running a business focused on providing real value to customers? Customers meaning the full-time residents who are working for a living. It’s almost like no one in the area has tried that yet.

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